Tuesday, April 16, 2013


The ballot count is as follows:

190 in favor of decertification of AFMSU/MEA-MFT's representation of TT faculty

185 against decertification

6 challenged ballots  (4 challenged by union, 2 challenged by petitioners)


If one (or more) challenged ballot is ruled valid and is in favor of decertification, AFMSU/MEA-MFT will be decertified. Election rules require that the ballots will be reviewed in a hearing in the near future, at which we will have to argue the case for or against each challenged ballot.

We are grateful to the many who have helped us with our legal bills. 

Our sincere thanks to everyone who has supported the decertification effort. 

The Petitioners

Bennett Link, Professor, Physics
Randy Babbitt, Professor, Physics
Gary Brester, Professor, Agricultural Economics and Economics
F. William Brown, Professor, College of Business